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Jan. 8, 2024

Find and Follow Your Calling with Dale Young

Find and Follow Your Calling with Dale Young

This episode is about finding and following your calling. The guest, Dale Young, is a coach who helps people overcome chaos and find clarity in their lives. He believes that everyone has a unique calling from God, and that it is our job to figure out what that calling is and then pursue it.

Dale shares his own story of how he found his calling and offers some advice for the audience on how to find their own calling. He suggests that people start by praying and asking God for guidance. He also encourages people to be open to new opportunities and to not be afraid to step outside of their comfort zones.

Dale's advice is both practical and inspiring. He reminds us that we are all unique and that we all have something special to offer the world. He encourages us to find our calling and to use our gifts to make a difference in the world.

Here are some key points from the episode:

  • Everyone has a unique calling from God.
  • It is our job to figure out what our calling is and then pursue it.
  • We can find our calling by praying about it and asking God for guidance.
  • We should be open to new opportunities and not be afraid to step outside of our comfort zones.
  • We can use our gifts to make a difference in the world.

00:00 - 01:20 - Introduction to the podcast and the guest, Dale Young.
01:20 - 03:20 - Discussion of the three C's: chaos, clarity, and calling.
03:20 - 05:20 - Dale explains his coaching approach and how he helps people find their calling.
05:20 - 07:20 - Dale talks about the importance of prayer in coaching.
07:20 - 10:20 - Dale discusses the four circles of calling: job, abilities, heart cry, and desires of the heart.
10:20 - 12:20 - Dale talks about his book, The Next Level, and how it can help people find their calling.
12:20 - 14:20 - Dale offers a freebie to the audience: a diagram of the four circles of calling.
14:20 - 15:20 - Dale encourages the audience to reach out to him for help.
15:20 - 17:20 - Dale talks about his book, The Identity Key.
17:20 - 20:20 - Dale talks about his chapter in the book, The Next Level, and how it can help people find their calling.
20:20 - 22:20 - Dale offers a freebie to the audience: his story and the calling document.
22:20 - 24:20 - Dale gives advice to the audience: find out how you are unique and go do what God wants you to do with that wiring.

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Intro Song is “Connected" from the “Gratitude” Album by James Kevin O’Connor Music Row Recording Artisthttps://open.spotify.com/track/5u7vgVTItXKAJcNwImg7E4?si=90baa52f0bab468b&nd=1