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March 15, 2024

Unconscious Power: How Hypnosis Can Help You Achieve Your Goals with Keith Ivey

Unconscious Power: How Hypnosis Can Help You Achieve Your Goals with Keith Ivey

Clinical hypnosis is a safe and effective way to help people overcome life obstacles. The speaker, Keith, is a clinical hypnotherapist who explains the difference between clinical hypnosis and stage hypnosis. Stage hypnosis is for entertainment purposes, while clinical hypnosis is used to help people resolve issues such as smoking cessation, weight loss, and negative thinking.

Keith says that hypnosis is a natural state we all experience daily. For example, you are hypnotic when you get so engrossed in a book that you don't notice your surroundings.

Clinical hypnosis can help people change their negative beliefs and behaviors. Keith believes that our life results are based on our thoughts and beliefs. By changing our thoughts and beliefs, we can change our results.

Here are some of the key points from the video:

  • Clinical hypnosis is a safe and effective way to help people overcome life obstacles.
  • Hypnosis is a natural state that we all experience every day.
  • Clinical hypnosis can be used to change our negative beliefs and behaviors.
  • Our thoughts and beliefs create our results.

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